Hello😃, I introduce myself again my name is Allison Esther Rios Blengeri, I was born in the city of Requena, I studied in a school for pure women (María Inmaculada).

At present I am 21 years old and I live in the city of Iquitos, I study Accounting at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon (UNAP) and I am studying the seventh cycle. 

Now I tell you a little about my family.


My family is characterized by being very friendly and welcoming. My dad´s name is Oscar Rios, he is 50 yers old, he is electrician , he is very happy and enthusiastic, he is a love of person. My mother´s name is Silvia Blengeri, she is 40 years old, she is attentive, also kind and has a huge heart to help those who need it. 

My brothers are 3 : Samir Rios, he is 25 years old, he is an accounting technician, he is someone very responsible and he lives in Lima.  My brother Aaron Rios he is 23 years old, studies language and literature, he is very creative in everything he does. My brother Antonio Rios he is 17 years old, also studies language and literature, he loves sports and maintaining his good physique.

Photo of dad´s birthday, He is a very fan of the University team
(the only photo togerther that I could find)

Photo of my brother Samir and my sister-in-law Anita.
 (from when they were still technology students)


Friendship for me is super valuable, and each person who comes into my life is well received. I appreciate all the people who give me their friendship and the moments they share with me😊 

They are my friends from school, whom I remember with great affection, for all the moments we spent together.


Gianella Tafur, she is 21 years old, she studies Architecture in the city of Piura. We have been friends since the first years of high school. She is very creative and intelligent.

Dorita Sangama, she is 21 years old,she studies ecology, she has been my friend from the beginning. She sings beautiful and always transmits joy to those who know her.

Lucerito Valles, she is 21 years old, she studies Administration, always shown to be someone very persistent and charming.

Dreysy Arevalo, she is 21 years old, she studies Marketing and Business Management, she is very kind and very committed to her business.

Luz Ipushima, she is 21 years old, she is studies administration, she is very helpful person and a good leader.

My friends  from college, who are very important to me.

   Lilian Zevallos, Lesly Velo and Diana Peña, I spend fun moments with them, each one has different personalities but they are very good people

Melany and Tania, very nice girls, funny.

Andrea Gómez, Irina Vásquez, Adriana Vela and Katty Romero, people with whom we share jobs and many anecdotes. Humble people of heart.

Malena Diaz, Esmeralda Riquelme, Alva Ramos, Diana Izquierdo and Jesenia Contreras, they are very responsable people and they are just a  short time from reaching one of their goals.

Delia Sanchez, we became friends recently, but the time I´ve known her says a lot about what an excellent person she is. 

Alexander Ramirez, he is 20 years old, studies accounting, since we met we became good  friends, he is very helpful.

💚¡Each person who crosses your path is to leave some teaching in you, and we must always highlight the best of the person!💚


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